
权力是个人的. 选择符合您需求的管制价格计划(RPP)可以帮助您节省能源成本. Knowing your options can help you plan for your future.

住宅和小型企业用户可以选择或切换三种不同的价格计划:, 分层, 或超低隔夜(ULO).

Regardless of what price plan you choose your eligibility for assistance programs, like the Ontario Electricity Rebate and the Ontario Electricity Support Program, 不会受到影响.


TOU定价计划根据你用电的时间对你的消费适用不同的费率. 有了分时电价,只要有可能,你就可以通过将你的用电转移到较低的电价期来管理你的电力成本. 每个家庭都不一样, 但平均而言, 安大略省家庭在非高峰时段使用了近三分之二的电力.


  • Off-峰: When demand for electricity is generally lower.
  • Mid-峰: When demand for electricity is moderate.
  • On-峰: When demand for electricity is generally higher.

People use electricity differently depending on the season, 因此,夏季(5月1日至10月31日)和冬季(11月1日至4月30日)的分时电价周期是不同的。.


分层定价计划对您的消费适用较低的费率,直至某一限额. Once this limit (called a threshold) is reached, a higher rate is applied. 使用分层定价,您可以灵活地在一天中的任何时间以相同的价格使用电力, although that price will change if you exceed the threshold during the month. 住宅客户, 这个门槛在冬季提高,这样家庭就能以更低的价格使用更多的电力.

对于夏季(5月1日至10月31日)的住宅用户,阈值为600kwh, in the winter period (November 1 to April 30) the threshold is 1000 kWh.

For small business customers the threshold is 750 kWh all year round.


ULO定价计划类似于TOU定价计划,因为它根据您使用电力的时间对您的消费适用不同的费率. 顾名思义, 超低的隔夜利率对于主要是隔夜用电量的客户来说是理想的.


  • 超低一夜之间: When demand for electricity is lowest on average.
  • Weekend Off-峰: When demand for electricity is generally lower.
  • Mid-峰: When demand for electricity is moderate.
  • On-峰: When demand for electricity is highest on average.

The ULO price periods are the same all year round.


了解你的选择: Do you understand the differences between the Regulated Price Plans? For more information on RPP in Ontario, check out the Choosing your electricity price plan page on the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) website and try the 比尔计算器 to estimate your monthly bill on different price plans.

您的价格计划: 你们目前的价格计划是什么? If you are unsure, look at the Electricity line of your bill.

你的用法: How much electricity do you use in a month? If you are unsure, look at the Electricity line of your bill. You may also want to consider your usage over the last year, available on our 客户选择门户.

你的消费模式: 你什么时候用电? 如果你是在TOU定价, 看看你的电费账单,看看你在三个分时电价期间分别用了多少电.

季节性的变化: Do you use a different amount of electricity depending on the season? Do you turn on your A/C in the summer after running your furnace all winter?

生活方式 & 日常习惯: 你白天在家工作吗? Do you use an electric vehicle charging station at your home or small business? Would it be easy for you to shift your electricity usage to times of lower demand?

小型企业: How much electricity do you use each month and when do you use it? Does your usage change from season to season? Keep in mind the 分层 threshold for small businesses is 750 kWh all year round.


You have many things to consider when changing your price plan. Before making your choice, we suggest reviewing the “考虑转换?” section above for guidance and important questions to consider.

Customers wishing to change their rate plan have 3 options to do so:

  1. 在线使用客户选择门户网站:点击以下链接登录客户选择门户网站,并填写在线请求更改汇率表格: Ottawa River Power’s – OEB 客户选择门户
  2. 亲临或电邮:请按以下连结下载“客户选择RPP选举表格”,并以电子方式或人手填写, 然后发邮件至 (电子邮件保护), or drop it off in person at either the Almonte or Pembroke office: 客户选择RPP选举表格
  3. 通过电话:拨打613-732-3687与我们的工作人员讨论您的计划变更.

Rules for Switching Regulated Price Plans

If you want to change your price plan, the following rules apply.

  • 希望更改其费率计划的客户必须遵循上述三个选项之一,以正式要求更改其费率计划.
  • Within 10 business days of receiving your election form, 如果您的选举表格无法处理,三昇体育网址公司将通知您,并且必须解释原因. 例如, you are not authorized to make changes to the account, 或者账户无法验证.
  • If there are no issues with your form, 三昇体育网址公司有最多10个工作日的时间让您知道何时可以开始按新的选定费率收费.
  • A rate plan change can only take effect at the start of a billing period. A billing period is generally about 30 days long, and the start and end dates are identified on your electricity bill. Many customers are not billed based on a calendar month, and the start of your billing period can be any given day of a month.
  • 只要三昇体育网址公司在下一个计费期开始前至少10个工作日收到表格,并且表格没有任何问题,您的费率计划的更改将在下一个计费期生效.
  • 如果在您的下一个计费期开始前不到10个工作日收到该表格,您的费率计划的更改可能会在下一个计费期或之后的一个计费期生效.
  • 如果您选择切换到一个新的价格计划,然后决定要切换回来或尝试不同的价格计划,您可以随时这样做. The processes described above will apply.
  • 三昇体育网址公司被要求通知所有新的住宅和小型企业客户,他们可以在分时电价之间做出选择, 分层 and ULO price plans when they set up an account.
  • 在TOU之间的选择, 分级和ULO价格计划适用于几乎所有拥有智能电表并按分时电价收费的住宅和小型企业客户. 一些住宅和小型企业客户被收取分层定价,因为他们的电表不能用来收取分时电价. These customers cannot switch to TOU or ULO at this time.
  • 如果你住的公寓或公寓有自己的独立电表,你的账单来自其他公司而不是你的电力公司, you are a customer of a Unit Sub-Meter Provider (USMP).  Customers of USMPs also can’t switch to 分层 prices. That decision can only be made for the building as a whole by the Master Consumer, who is the person that retained a USMP for the property. 在大多数情况下,主消费者是物业经理、业主或公寓董事会.
  • 从能源零售商那里购买电力的客户支付合同中规定的电价. Once they have left their retail contract, 他们将在TOU之间做出选择, 分层或ULO价格计划. For details about your energy contract, contact your energy retailer.


What do TOU, 分层 and ULO prices pay for?

OEB设定了TOU, 分级电价和超低电价是根据对未来12个月向住宅和小型企业客户提供预期用电成本的预测而制定的. The OEB sets prices to recover the same forecast average cost of supply.

OEB设定了TOU, 分层 and ULO prices under the Regulated Price Plan (RPP). The RPP is designed to provide stable pricing, 鼓励节约,并确保消费者支付的电价更好地反映了支付给发电商的电价.


How often are TOU, 分层, and ULO prices set?

The OEB typically sets new TOU and 分层 prices for May and November, 这是根据根据“管制价格计划”向住宅和小型企业客户提供他们预期使用的电力所需的成本估算得出的. The ULO prices were first set in May of 2023.

Will I save money by opting out of TOU prices?

如果你从分时电价转换到分级电价,并不能保证你会省钱. 转换的总账单影响将根据你一个月消耗多少电以及白天什么时候消耗电而有所不同.

Will I save money by opting for ULO prices?

There is no guarantee you will save money if you opt for ULO prices. 转换的总账单影响将根据你一个月消耗多少电以及白天什么时候消耗电而有所不同.

Can I compare my usage on different price plans before I make a change?

绝对! OEB网站有一个内置的 比尔计算器 to estimate your monthly bill on different price plans.

Can all customers opt out of TOU pricing?

Any customer on TOU may opt out and pay 分层 prices instead.

Can all customers opt out of 分层 pricing?


如果你住的公寓或公寓有自己的独立电表,你的账单来自其他公司而不是你的电力公司, you are a customer of a Unit Sub-Meter Provider (USMP).  Customers of USMPs also can’t switch to 分层 prices. That decision can only be made for the building as a whole by the Master Consumer, who is the person that retained a USMP for the property. 在大多数情况下,主消费者是物业经理、业主或公寓董事会.

从能源零售商那里购买电力的客户支付合同中规定的电价. Once they have left their retail contract, 他们将在TOU之间做出选择, 分层或ULO价格计划. For details about your energy contract, contact your energy retailer.

I receive a monthly credit from the Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP). Will I lose that credit if I change my price plan?

No. 你仍然会收到信用卡.

I receive the Ontario Electricity Rebate. Will I lose that rebate if I change my price plan?

No. 你仍然会收到信用卡.